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Welcome to my digital realm! Explore six distinct sections just for you.

Bio & Insights

Curriculum Vitae, Leadership Signature and Liechtenstein Insights


Leadership, Change Management and Futures Thinking


Mentee / Mentor Relationships, Programmes and Articles

Ecosystem & AI 

Digital Ecosystem, Blockchain Technology, AI and News


Experience Laboratory, Foresight, Strategy and Leadership


Overview, Journey of Business and Life Experiences

My passion is foresight, strategy and leadership to co-create the future

Are you in a forward thinking mode? Ready to transition into the future that is built upon sustainability and innovation? Are you open to change and transformation? Do you consider a regenerative approach with circular mindset? Last, but not least, what about foresight? 

Foresight creates vision to shape the future. A must-have to navigate through critical waters, and to approach opportunitiues pro-actively. 

However, vision requires leadership which takes sound initiative in order to develop a future-oriented strategy. What is more, I would like to contribute to debate and having a strategic conversation to create better futures. Ergo, I would like to share my three visions. They run as follows:

  1. Mobility vision
  2. Technology vision 
  3. Political vision

Mobility vision: I would experience a seamless and smart mobility, where I am transported from A to B in the most optimal way, using all possible transport modes in a climate-neutral, cost-effective and timely manner. 

A shift to a new "Mobility as a Service" (MaaS) business model enables the best means of transport for every occasion, i.e., Horses for Courses. From "ownership" approach to "use" by offering end-to-end management of a customer’s assets and services to boost a sustainable smart mobility. 

RUC Präsentation Strategy & Mobility

Source: Keynote speech at RAI Amsterdam, Intertraffic, International Road Federation, (IRF), 2022

Technology vision: Technological change steered by artificial intelligence (AI) will create a "drivetech mobility" world based on usage rather than ownership of a vehicle. Using not owning will reduce operating costs and drivetech mobility will increase safety as well as reduce congestion on the road significantly. 

Autonomous vehicles and a shared economy will offer Mobility as a Service (MaaS) by the touch of a finger, i.e. click & drive. Moreover, a „pro-growth“ strategy and new business model for the future will emerge that also contributes to zero accidents and climate-neutral CO2 emissions, i.e decarbonisation. In other words, net-zero, now.

Source: Base Camp, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, The Vehicle of the Future, DriveTech and SmartShuttle, 2019

Political vision: Values and sovereignty (customs, smallness of Liechtenstein, short admin distances, and  cordiality) are the foundation of my Liechtenstein House of the future. Built on four sound pillars:

  1. Sustainable mobility for everyone (Horses for courses)
  2. A solid economy with robust growth (Strategic focus on start-ups)
  3. Modern multi-disciplinary education (Youth = future)
  4. Use of digital technology solutions (ex. AI & blockchain) by: i) the state (Smart eGov) and ii) business community (Innovation)


Source: Parliament Member Candidate Election Programme Concept, Liechtenstein-Haus der Zukunft, 2021 

Last, but not least 

What is your vision? How can you anticipate the future? What are your tools? 

Do you “look out of the window and see the invisible, but not yet seen”, as late Peter F. Drucker once postulated?


If not, what could be done? Looking forward to having an exchange of challenging thoughts and creative ideas. Co-creation to drive into the future. 





#SeasonedLeader #Foresight #Strategy #Leadership #BoardMember #Blockchain #Mentor #Startup #BusinessAngel #Advisory